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New SSP regulations confirm increased minimum self-isolation period

Public Health England (PHE) has updated its guidance to increase the minimum self-isolation period for those with symptoms of coronavirus from seven to ten days, starting from when symptoms first begin. In addition, those who test positive for coronavirus but who are not experiencing symptoms must stay at home for at least ten days starting from the day the positive test was taken, and if they then develop symptoms during this self-isolation period, the ten days must restart from the date their symptoms first appear. 

To correspond with the extended self-isolation period, the Statutory Sick Pay (General) (Coronavirus Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 2020 came into force on 5 August 2020. The regulations have amended the Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations 1982 to confirm that an employee self-isolating in accordance with the updated PHE guidance will be deemed incapable for work and so entitled to statutory sick pay (SSP) for the duration of the extended minimum ten-day period for which they are now required to self-isolate.

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