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Changes to Agricultural and Business Property Relief

It was announced as part of the Budget measures that the government will reform these reliefs from 6 April 2026. The existing 100% rates of relief will be maintained for the first £1 million of combined agricultural and business property. The rate of relief will be 50% for the value of any qualifying assets over £1 million.

The government will also reduce the rate of business property relief available from 100% to 50% in all circumstances for shares designated as “not listed” on the markets of recognised stock exchanges, such as AIM. The existing rate of relief will continue at 50% where it is currently this rate and will also not be affected by the new allowance.

This new allowance will apply to the combined value of property in an estate qualifying for 100% business property relief and 100% agricultural property relief.

HM Treasury has provided the following example, the allowance will cover £1 million of property qualifying for business property relief, or a combined £400,000 of agricultural property relief and £600,000 business property relief qualifying for 100% relief.

If the total value of the qualifying property to which 100% relief applies is more than £1 million, the allowance will be applied proportionately across the qualifying property. For example, if there was agricultural property of £3 million and business property of £2 million, the allowance for the agricultural property and the business property will be £600,000 and £400,000, respectively.

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