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Practice News

Could you claim the Marriage Allowance?

If you or your partner are a low earner or not working, then you may be eligible for the marriage allowance. The marriage allowance allows lower earning couples to share part of their personal tax-free allowance. The marriage allowance (MA) is available to married couples and those in a civil partnership where a spouse or civil…Read More

Reducing payments on account

Taxpayers are usually required to pay their Income Tax liabilities in three instalments each year. The first two payments are due on: 31 January during the tax year e.g. for 2018-19 the first payment on account is due on 31 January 2019. 31 July following the tax year e.g. for 2018-19 the second payment on…Read More

Don’t overclaim for equipment purchases

You can use the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) to claim a very generous 100% first year tax relief for qualifying expenditure on plant and machinery. The allowance is available for most assets purchased by a business but does not apply to cars. The AIA was set at £200,000 per calendar year for all qualifying expenditure…Read More

Genuine messages from HMRC

HMRC has issued an updated version of their online guidance on Genuine HMRC contact and recognising phishing emails and texts. The guidance provides a current list of genuine messages from HMRC. This includes: email messages, text messages and telephone contacts from HMRC. The latest updates on the list include information on a research project being…Read More

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