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Recurring sales

Most business owners will appreciate the difference between one-off sales, and services that are generally described as recurring.

For example, you may sell a laptop (a one-off sale) and then bolt on a support contract (a recurring sale).


Tax Diary November/December 2023

1 November 2023 – Due date for Corporation Tax due for the year ended 31 January 2023.

19 November 2023 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 November 2023. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 November 2023.)


Deadlines 2022-23 Self-Assessment tax return

The 2022-23 tax return filing deadline for taxpayers who continue to submit paper Self-Assessment returns is 31 October 2023. Late submission of a Self-Assessment return will incur a £100 late filing penalty. The penalty usually applies even if there

Cost of Living payments 2023-24 support

The Cost of Living support package has been designed to help over 8 million households in receipt of means tested benefits. The details for Cost of Living Payments due in the 2023-24 tax year were published earlier this year and have recently been

Have you downloaded your HMRC app?

HMRC’s free tax app is available to download from the App Store for iOS and from the Google Play Store for Android. The latest version of the app includes updated functionality to check your Child Benefit and State Pension, set a reminder to make a

When you must register for VAT

The taxable turnover threshold, which determines whether businesses should be registered for VAT, is currently £85,000. The taxable turnover threshold that determines whether businesses can apply for deregistration is £83,000.

Businesses are

Re-starting a dormant company

HMRC must be informed when a non-trading or dormant company starts trading again and thus becomes active for Corporation Tax purposes. Companies can use HMRC Online Services to supply the relevant information.

When a company has previously traded

Check if you need to pay someone through PAYE

Employers usually have to pay employees through PAYE if they earn £123 or more a week (£533 a month or £6,396 a year). There is no requirement to pay self-employed workers through PAYE.

HMRC’s guidance states that:

As a general rule, someone

Reforms to powers of attorney

These legal agreements enable a person to grant decision making powers about their care, treatment or financial affairs to another person if they lose mental capacity.

The Powers of Attorney Act fires the starting gun on bringing the existing

Bank deposits covered by FSCS

Your eligible deposits with all High Street bank are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

The present limit of this FSCS guarantee is £85,000 and this applies to total deposits held at a bank, not per account with a

Income Tax in Scotland if you have more than one home

There is an interesting anomaly that can affect taxpayers with homes in Scotland and other parts of the UK. Where this is the case, the question arises as to whether or not the taxpayer is liable to pay Income Tax in Scotland or elsewhere.

As a

CIS contractors monthly tax chores

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a set of special rules for tax and National Insurance for those working in the construction industry. Businesses in the construction industry are known as ‘contractors’ and ‘subcontractors’ and should be

When you can and cannot use the Rent-a-Room Scheme

The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. If you are using this scheme, you should ensure that rents received from lodgers during the current tax year do not exceed £7,500. The tax

Reporting self-employed profits 2023-24

The basis of assessment reforms will change the way trading income is allocated to tax years. The changes will affect sole traders and partnerships that use an accounting date between 6 April and 30 March. There is no change to the rule for

Paying tax by Certificate of Tax Deposit

The Certificate of Tax Deposit scheme allowed users to deposit money with HMRC and use it later to pay tax liabilities. The date that the certificate was purchased was known as the effective date of payment. The scheme closed for new purchases on 23

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