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Help to Save bonus payments

The Help to Save scheme is intended to help those on low incomes to boost their savings. Eligible users of the scheme can save between £1 and £50 every calendar month and receive a 50% government bonus. The 50% bonus is payable at the end of the

Company tax return obligations

After the end of its financial year, a private limited company must prepare full annual accounts and a company tax return. In most cases a company’s tax return must be submitted within 12 months from the end of the accounting period it covers. Online

Due a student loan refund?

Student Loans are part of the government’s financial support package for students in higher education in the UK. They are available to help students meet their expenses while they are studying, and it is HMRC’s responsibility to collect repayments

Childcare support from HMRC

Parents may be eligible to receive childcare support from HMRC using the Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) scheme. The TFC scheme can help parents of children aged up to 11 years old (17 for those with certain disabilities) to pay for approved childcare.


What is a business repair?

HMRC’s internal manuals provide some useful information on the definition of a business repair. This is important because it is required to identify the asset on which work has been carried out.

This is because:

the cost of repairing a worn or

Reminder of not-so-trivial tax-free benefits

There is a benefit-in-kind (BiK) trivial exemption that applies to small non-cash benefits like a bottle of wine, or a bouquet of flowers given occasionally to employees or any other BiK classed as ‘trivial’ that falls within the exemption. By taking

Cost of living payments

You may have been entitled to a Cost of Living Payments of £301 (paid April/May 2023) and should be about to receive £300 (payable early November 2023) and a further £299 due spring 2024. Payments are limited to persons claiming the following

Taxable gains on gifts

Gift Hold-Over Relief is a tax relief that effectively defers Capital Gains Tax (CGT). The relief can be claimed when assets are given away (including certain shares) or sold for less than they are worth to help benefit the buyer. The relief means

Do you need to pay tax when you sell your home?

In general, there is no Capital Gains Tax (CGT) when you sell your home. This applies to a property which has been used as the main family residence. An investment property which has never been used as your own home does not qualify for relief. This

Trusts and Income Tax

A trust is an obligation that binds a trustee, an individual or a company to deal with the trust assets, such as land, money and shares, and which form part of the trust. The person who places assets into a trust is known as a settlor and the trust

Current State Pension age

The second review of the State Pension age has been published by the Department for Work and Pensions. The State Pension age is currently 66. The review has stated that a further increase in the State Pension age to 67 for those born on or after

Filling gaps in National Insurance record

National Insurance credits can help qualifying applicants to fill gaps in their National Insurance record. This can assist taxpayers to build up the number of qualifying years of National Insurance contributions and which can increase the amount of

Paying tax by direct debit

One of the many ways that payments can be made to HMRC is by using a direct debit. The direct debit can be set up online.

You can pay your tax bill using direct debit if you have an online account with HMRC for:

Employers’ PAYE

Cash flow v supplier credit limits

In a recent article we explained how granting lengthy credit limits to customers was as good as letting them keep your money in their bank account.

In this post we describe the opposite situation, where you are granted longer terms to pay bills from

Back of an envelope

If you run a business and manage your planning by scribbling notes on the back of an envelope, you might be advised to read the contents of this article.

When the economy is vibrant, effectively when there are an abundance of buyers in your

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