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Tracing lost pension details

An online service is available on GOV.UK at to help people find their lost pension funds.

You can use this service to find contact details for:

your own workplace or personal pension scheme; or

Cash in Child Trust Funds

HMRC has issued a press release urging 18-22 year olds who have yet to claim their Child Trust Fund (CTF) cash to do so as soon as possible. According to HMRC, over 670,000 young adults in this age group have unclaimed funds, with the average savings

Setting up a Civil Partnership

Civil Partners enjoy the same tax and other advantages as married couples.

To set up a civil partnership in England or Wales, both partners must be eligible, meaning they are over 18, not already married or in a civil partnership and not closely

Beware fake parking fine texts

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) is warning that scammers are sending text messages about fake DVSA parking penalty charges. The text messages warn people that they have a ‘parking penalty charge’, and that if they do not pay on time,

Gifts and Inheritance Tax

Most gifts made during a person’s lifetime are not subject to tax at the time of transfer. These gifts, known as "potentially exempt transfers" (PETs), can become fully exempt if the donor survives for more than seven years after making the

Current rates for Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

CGT is generally charged at a flat rate of 20% on most chargeable gains for individuals. However, if taxpayers are within the basic rate tax bracket and make a small capital gain, they may be eligible for a reduced CGT rate of 10%. Once their total

Beware higher rate tax on dividends

Readers are reminded that if the dividends they draw from their company, when added to their other income, exceeds the basic rate Income Tax Band, then much higher rates of dividend tax will apply.

The tax rates for dividends received (in excess of

Less than one month to tax return filing deadline

A new press release from HMRC has highlighted that 49,317 taxpayers took the time to file their tax returns online over the New Year holiday. It is estimated that over 6.5 million taxpayers have already filed their tax returns for 2022-23. This

Business Asset Disposal Relief

Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) is available on the sale of a business, disposal of shares in a trading company or an individual’s interest in a trading partnership. Where this relief is available sellers can benefit from a 10% tax charge on

VAT on period products scrapped

Before Brexit, the UK was unable to zero rate VAT on women’s sanitary products under EU rules and the items were subject to 5% VAT. Following the end of the transition period the UK was no longer bound by the EU VAT Directive which mandated a minimum

National Insurance and tax after State Pension Age

If you have reached the State Pension age and continue to work, in most cases, you no longer need to pay National Insurance Contributions (NICs).

At State Pension age, the requirement to pay Class 1 and Class 2 NICs ceases. However, you will remain

Tax Diary February/March 2024

1 February 2024 – Due date for Corporation Tax payable for the year ended 30 April 2023.

19 February 2024 – PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 February 2024. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 February 2024)


New tax credits for film, TV and game makers

A number of reforms to tax reliefs for the creative sectors came into effect from 1 January 2024. Under the reformed system, a children’s TV production, animated TV production or film with £1 million of qualifying expenditure will receive an

Setting up a payment plan with HMRC

The 31st of January is a key date for those of us who are registered for self-assessment. There are three deadlines:

The closing date to file your 2022-23 tax return without incurring an initial £100 late filing penalty.
The date by which any

Using your vehicle for work related journeys

If you use your car or other vehicle to undertake business journeys on behalf of your employer, and your employer does not:

Fully reimburse you for the business use, or
Reimburses you but at a lower rate per mile than the approved HMRC rates (see

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